Special Sessions

SS 10. Panel Discussion on Policy Issues Related to Risk Management of Nuclear Power Plants through the use of Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Date Oct. 6 (Thu)
Time 10:30-12:10
Venue Grand Hall 5 (B1)
Organizer Rick GRANTOM (CRG LLC, United States)
PSA has been shown to have important technical applications for both regulatory and industry purposes. In the US, risk information is used in risk-informing the regulations and risk-informed industry initiatives. In this context, the term “risk informed” implies blending deterministic and probabilistic analyses, as well as qualitative considerations to support appropriate and proper decision making relative to regulatory and industry design and operating requirements. The use of risk-informed approaches, as dened above, are considered key elements in comprehensive risk management programs that can be structured and applied by both industry and regulatory bodies.

Four panelists representing dierent stakeholder organizations will present their views on three key questions related to the risk management of nuclear power plants using PSA. Each panelist will be given 15 minutes to present his/her views and positions on the three questions. After all panelists have completed their presentation, the panelists will discuss and debate with the audience the various positions that have been presented. The panel facilitator will attempt to collect the positions of the panelists to determine if there is a consensus of opinions or partial consensus on some or all the three key questions.

Desired Outcome:
The desired outcome from this panel discussion is to better understand the concerns and issues associated with the three questions and how they might be addressed as risk management approaches are further developed. It is hoped that a better understanding of the issues associated with these questions will facilitate a path forward towards improved management of nuclear power plant risk and, in so doing, improve nuclear power plant safety and eectiveness.

Key Questions:
1. For postulated events impacting nuclear power plants, is there a frequency of occurrence limit such that events below the limit should not be analyzed?

2. Should a risk management regulatory and industry framework be established to dene acceptable methods for establishing the signicance of events, issues, and concerns occurring at nuclear power plants?

3. What barriers are the most important to overcome in order to realize an eective comprehensive risk management function for the nuclear industry and regulating authorities?
George APOSTOLAKIS (Nuclear Risk Research Center, Japan)
Akira YAMAGUCHI (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Myung Ro KIM (KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company Inc., Korea, Republic of)
Rick GRANTOM (CRG LLC, United States)
